Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Goldfinger (1964)

Director: Guy Hamilton
Genre: Action, Adventure, Thriller
Rating: B-

I wasn't really a big fan of this movie.  In fact, I kind of didn't enjoy this instalment of the series.  Sure there were some amazing moments, but a lot of the movie was gimmicky and cheesy.  I mean, really, there was a long heated game of golf.  Serious movies that feature golf are not good.  It's like a rule, or something.

Goldfinger follows Bond (Connery) as he follows bullion dealer Auric Goldfinger (Fröbe) in an attempt to determine how Goldfinger is smuggling gold internationally.  This involves playing golf and cards - played in a manner that really make Bond look like a jackass - screwing women, and the like.  Eventually Bond determines that Goldfinger is planning on robbing Fort Knox and must stop him.  Along the way Bond screws some women and people are killed with a hat.  Yes, a hat.

Okay, so the awesome moments of this movie include when Shirley Eaton is killed by having her body covered in gold - this isn't a huge spoiler because it's basically the poster image for this movie.  The gold chick you see in everything Goldfinger related?  Yeah, that's Shirley Eaton.  There's also the gadgets, which for the most part are pretty cool, and Goldfinger tells Bond that he wants him to die, while pointing a laser at his crotch.  That moment is, in my opinion, probably the single most iconic moment of a James Bond film.  Sure there's "Bond, James Bond" and "Shaken, not stirred" but they're more catch phrases that you hear in most, if not all, of the films.  "I expect you to die" is just so iconic of this film, this series, this genre... it sent chills up my spine when it happened.

Despite that, however, the film was actually rather boring.  It was slow, and despite only running for 2 hours seemed to last forever.  I found that I really just didn't care about this movie.  I spent most of it hoping that it would be over soon and disappointed to see that it wasn't.  Maybe a combination of the heat and school related stress are getting to me, because any reviews that I've read of Goldfinger say that it's a great movie, I just found it uninteresting.  It wasn't a bad movie it just... didn't captivate me.

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