Friday, 24 August 2012

Recommendations: August 24

Premium Rush - Joseph Gordon-Levitt's latest, this movie combines the classic car chase with... bike messengers. I really have no clue just what to expect from this movie, but I'm sure it'll be fun.  I mean, really, car chase plus Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

Hit and Run - Okay, so I hate that I want to see this.  It's going to be lame and ridiculous and lame.  But I've seen the trailer for it more than a few times now, and it also looks like it might be fun - that or like every good bit of this movie is in the trailer.

Robot and Frank -A futuristic movie about robots and jewel thieves, except not exactly in the way that one might typically predict - an ex-jewel thief, Frank, is given a robot butler by his son.  What starts out as a robot looking after an old man turns into the two becoming a heist team.  This film has a limited release, but the premise and the cast, I'm totally interested.

The Rescuers - Not the best Disney movie, that's for sure, but still a cute one.  The Rescuers tells the story of mice Bernard and Miss Bianca as they search for a little girl who has been kidnapped by treasure hunters.  It's been pulled out of the Disney vault just in time for its 35th anniversary.

Good Will Hunting - The 15th anniversary of critically acclaimed movie, written by Matt Damon and Ben Affleck.  While this wasn't either's first role it was the film that took them out of bit parts and stoner flicks and into the greater world of fame that they have since achieved.  Damon has since acted in a lot of good movies and Affleck has proven to be a great director and at worst a mediocre actor, but this is where it all really started.

The Host - I know what you're saying: recommending a Stephenie Meyer novel? Really?  Yes, really.  The Host is actually a good novel, although it's rather slow at points.  I enjoyed the world that Meyer created here.  It's a quick read, but enjoyable nonetheless.

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