Sunday, 9 September 2012

Week in Review: September 3 - 8

Note - This week was marred by the death of actor Michael Clarke Duncan.  There was no tribute for him this week - although last week we did Armageddon, in which he had a memorable role, and next week we'll do The Green Mile, for which he received an Oscar nomination.

Movies - This week we had two Bonds, On Her Majesty's Secret Service and Diamonds are Forever, finishing off both Sean Connery and George Lazenby.  We also had two new movies, Premium Rush and Lawless.  My favourite of the week was Premium Rush, while my least favourite was On Her Majesty's Secret Service - although I have decided that On Her Majesty would make an interesting Bond film.

Books - Book of the week was the hilarious and hopefully not entirely true memoir, Let's Pretend This Never Happened (A Mostly True Memoir) by Jenny Lawson. While I thought the mid-point of the book was a bit weak it both started and ended well, and I really enjoyed it.  Definitely had points where it made me feel a bit better about my family.

TV - We've continued the review of Grey's Anatomy with its second season, which I thought was superior to its first.  Stay tuned for the third season, which'll happen in weeks to come.

Recommendations - New this week is The Words, which I'm surprisingly really looking forward to seeing.  Also out is Bachelorette, which I'm sure will be at least mildly entertaining.

Next Week - Next week's Bonds will be The Man with the Golden Gun and Live and Let Die, the first of the Roger Moore's.  We'll also be doing The Words and Hit and Run, for a bit of a Bradly Cooper-a-thon., and The Green Mile for a Michael Clarke Duncan tribute.  Book-wise, we'll be starting the great Harry Potter review, with Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Sorcer's Stone for you Americans).

Requests -Anything you'd like me to read or watch? Let me know in the comments!

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