To be honest, there really isn't anything coming out this week that I'm all that interested in seeing, and thus recommending to you. There's a lot already out, however, so if you haven't seen them yet, check out any one of this week's box office top ten: The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2, Skyfall, Lincoln, Rise of the Guardians, Life of Pi, Wreck-It Ralph, Red Dawn, Flight, Silver Linings Playbook, or Argo. Some of these I've already checked out, others I haven't seen yet, but I believe I have recommended them all.
Men in Black 3 - The latest installment in this alien movie franchise, MIB3 deals with time travel and really surprised me. It's a lot better than I was expecting it to be, and if you haven't checked it out yet and want something easy to watch I'd say check it out now.
ParaNorman - I didn't recommend this the first time round, because the commercials annoyed me and I decided that I didn't want to see it. Still a bit on the fence about it, but I've been told that it's really good.
Sparkle - There was one good thing about this movie, the music. That was always the best part about a Whitney Houston movie, so I guess it's fitting that her last film should be no exception. I just kind of wish that the rest of it had been better.
Lawless - This one actually made Sparkle look good, so there's that. There's a few good action sequences too. Check it out if you want a mindless action flick, although it's not too actiony. I think the big problem here was an over use of Shia LaBeouf and an under use of Gary Oldman. Never under use Gary Oldman.
Step Up Revolution - This movie was awesome! I loved it! Okay, so the plot is lame and ridiculous, but the dancing is great and why else would you go to a Step Up movie?
The Colour of Magic - This past week author Terry Pratchett won an Emmy for his documentary program "Choosing to Die," so I figured I'd celebrate by recommending Prachett's first Discworld novel, The Colour of Magic. This novel introduces us to the Discworld and the characters of Rincewind, Twoflower, and The Luggage - Luggage being my favourite of the Discworld characters.