Thursday, 29 November 2012

The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009)

Director: Chris Weitz
Genre: Fantasy, Romance
Rating: D

Remember how I didn't like Twilight?  Somehow, the followup to it, The Twilight Saga: New Moon (because evidently the viewing public is incapable of determining that something is a sequel to another movie unless there's words that are the same) succeeds in making Twilight look good.

The run down: Edward (Pattinson) and Bella (Stewart) are living happily ever after, minus the whole her whining about being human and him refusing to turn her into a vampire because, really, why would you take the advice of the guy who tried to kill you in the last movie? Bella is particularly whiney about the issue because she's turning eighteen, which is one year older than her eternal lover, except not really.  At a party for her at his family's house, however, her mortality becomes all too aparent when she gets a papercut, causing a blood frenzy, that is only made worse when Edward throws her into a wall.  So Edward decides to break up with her and leave, taking his entire family with him and putting Bella into a depression that lasts forever.  Then she reconnects with Jacob (Lautner) and begins to seek out danger and adventure - all in a way to get glimpses of the Edward inside her head.  Something's wrong with Jacob and his tribe however, and it's only a matter of time before Bella comes out of her depression long enough to figure it out.  Also featured are the Volturi, the rulers of the vampire world, each of whom has great power.  Their leader is Aro (Sheen), and he is joined by Marcus (Christopher Heyerdahl) and Caius (Jamie Campbell Bower).  Their guards include Jane (Fanning) and her brother Alec (Cameron Bright).  Oh, and Victoria (Lefèvre) is back for revenge.

I hate the premise of this movie.  I realize that instantly makes me biased, but I hate it.  I hate that Bella is all whiny about being made into a vampire - honestly, I think I prefer vampire/human romances where the human doesn't want to be a vampire, or at least thinks about the consequences of becoming one a bit more, and isn't just all "I don't want to look older than you".  I hate that no one seems to want to point out the fact that it was James (Cam Gigandet) who gave her this idea in the first place.  Since when is taking advice from the bad guy a good idea?  I actually kind of liked that Jasper (Rathbone) goes into a blood frenzy when Bella gets a papercut as it makes sense in this world - it's kind of lame overall, but I like it - although I do question Edward's protectiveness.  Seriously, throwing her into a bookshelf is not going to help the situation.  Don't want your human girlfriend to be eaten by your vampire family? Don't throw her into a bookshelf.

What I hate most of all, however, is Bella's reaction to the breakup.  She literally goes into a depression for months on end following Edward leaving her.  I get the whole post-relationship depression, but she takes it to an extreme.  Granted, she had already basically given up her life for Edward before hand, so she didn't really have one to cling on to after he was gone... Yeah. Did not like it.  I also don't like Edward's behaviour overall.  First of all, he really seems to encourage her in her complete abandonment of her friends - something that becomes more pronounced as the series continues and the issues with Jacob become more pronounced.   I'm not saying that I disagree with Edward's feelings towards Jacob, I'm saying I don't like Edward's treatment of Bella's other friends, or Bella's treatment of them either.  As for Jacob... fuck, Jacob needs to grow up.  I get that he's a kid, and the youngest of the characters too, but his feelings and what not get annoying really fast.  There is a point when your attempts to hit on your best friend turn from heavy flirting to sexual harassment.  Remember boys, if she says "no" she's not meaning "try harder."

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