The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey - The first in Peter Jackson's prequel to The Lord of The Rings trilogy, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey is being cited as the most anticipated prequel since Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. One hopes that it ends up being better than Phantom Menace, but based on the fact that it takes its basis from Tolkien's novel The Hobbit, which people seem to like, I'm predicting good things will come from An Unexpected Journey.
Save the Date -The newest romantic comedy about weddings and the like, Save the Date stars Lizzy Caplan and Alison Brie as two sisters - one who has just rejected her boyfriend's hasty proposal and is rebounding, and the other who is planning her upcoming nuptials. According to IMDb, this is more like Girls and less like Bridesmaids, which I assume is supposed to be a good thing - I didn't really like Bridesmaids, so not being like that is definitely a good thing, but I haven't seen Girls so I can't say if being like it is good or not.
Ted - A semi-creepy, kind of pervy, surprisingly hilarious movie about a man and his anthropomorphic teddy bear. I really enjoyed this, although logic and taste tells me I probably shouldn't have.
The Bourne Legacy - Don't see this movie. I don't even know why I'm recommending it. By far the worst of the Bourne movies, it's best forgotten about - like many other fourth additions to a series.
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - Ken Kesey's classic novel about a group of men in an insane asylum during the 1960s. This book is absolutely awesome. The narrator, Chief, has many hallucinations (I believe he's schizophrenic, but I could be making that up), which Kesey skillfully works into the story, aided by the fact that Kesey was under the influence of LSD at the time of writing. This book is just great.
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