Thursday, 6 December 2012

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (2010)

Director: David Slade
Genre: Fantasy, Romance
Rating: C

As weird as it is to say this, I think this is actually my favourite of the Twilight movies.  The plot is still meh, and the acting is still meh, and the special effects and the makeup are still meh,  but the humour has transitioned from being unintentional to... well, I'm not sure how intentional it is and how unintentional it is.  The point is, there is humour in this one.  And action.  And no lame suicide plots.

People are being killed in Seattle, but our friendly neighbourhood vampires are only concerned about how it might affect them.  Likewise with our friendly neighbourhood werewolves.  Alice (Greene) is monitoring the decisions being made by the villainous Victoria (Howard),  as we all know it's only a matter of time before she makes yet another attempt on Bella (Stewart).  Meanwhile, Bella and Edward (Pattinson) are discussing marriage - although both Bella's best friend and would-be-lover Jacob (Lautner) and her father Charlie (Burke) are dead set against the relationship between the two, although for different reasons.  Oh, and once shit does start to go down the friendly neighbourhood vampires and friendly neighbourhood werewolves try to work together.

So, yeah.  The thing that works about this movie is the humour.  My favourite scene in this entire movie - possibly the entire series - is when Bella and Charlie have what is the most awkward sex talk ever.  That alone made this movie worth watching.  There are other moments like this one that really make me think that the actors are far better than we give them credit for just because they're able to keep a straight face throughout it all.  That's not to say that the acting itself is in any way all that good, but that it's not as bad as we claim it is.  I also do like how the plot moves forward here.  The first two movies were really all about setting things up and introducing us to characters and concepts - vampires, werewolves, the Volturi, etc.  This time round things actually go forward and stuff happens.  There's even a whole epic battle!  It's not all bad!

Not all bad, but still not all that good.  The plot still has gigantic holes, ones that I think if I really tried to wrap my head around and explain I would just end up either confused or pissed off - or both.  I still want to spend most of my time yelling at the characters, or at least the main ones.  The thing about Twilight in general is that the more sympathetic and loveable characters are the ones that don't get as much of a focus.  I love Bella's friends from high school, and Charlie, and even the vampires and werewolves who are not Edward or Jacob.  We get to see a bit more of these characters here, although I know it's not a trend that's going to continue.  The triangle is resolved here, and the next two movies are going to be all about the lovefest and its consequences.  Yay?

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