Awards - With the mentality of better late than never, I did up a thing on the nominations for this year's Golden Raspberry Awards, my favourite awards of the season. Also up were the results of the 70th Golden Globes, and a bit of a commentary on the presentation itself.
Birthdays - Two birthday's this week, Betty White's 91st, and A.A. Milne's 131st.
Movies - While I said last week that I would be doing Gangster Squad this week I clearly lied. Instead new movie of the week was Jack Reacher, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Other movies of the week were the 1984 Red Dawn and The Bang Bang Club, neither of which was all that good.
Birthdays - Two birthday's this week, Betty White's 91st, and A.A. Milne's 131st.
Movies - While I said last week that I would be doing Gangster Squad this week I clearly lied. Instead new movie of the week was Jack Reacher, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Other movies of the week were the 1984 Red Dawn and The Bang Bang Club, neither of which was all that good.
Books - Book of the week was Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, which is probably my favourite instalment in the series.
TV - TV show of the week was the first season of the original series of Star Trek. I've had some computer problems, so the review was initially posted uncompleted; that's been corrected now.
Recommendations - The movie out this week that I'm most looking forward to is Broken City. While I made other recommendations, nothing else overly caught my attention and I doubt I'll see them in theatres.
Next Week - I'm not too sure about next week, owing to the computer problems. I'm definitely going to do Gangster Squad, and I'll do the weekly recommendations, but the rest of the week is up in the air.
Requests -What about you? Anything I should read or see? Let me know!
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