Saturday 5 January 2013

Birthday: Diane Keaton

Today is the 67th birthday of actress Diane Keaton!

While Keaton's movies as of late may have been less than great, she has had a very long and successful career.  Her first major role was in The Godfather as Kay Adams-Corleone, which she followed up with the Woody Allen films Play it Again, Sam, Sleeper, Love and Death, and Annie Hall, winning an Academy Award for her role in Anne Hall. Her second Oscar nomination was for her role in Warren Beatty's Reds, her third for Marvin's Room, and her fourth for Something's Gotta Give.  Other memorable films of hers include Father of the Bride, Baby Boom, The First Wives Club, Looking for Mr. Goodbar, and The Family Stone.  In addition to turning 67 this year, she is also appearing in new film The Big Wedding, where she plays Robert De Niro's ex-wife as they attend the wedding of their son, I believe played by Ben Barnes.

I'm looking forward to it, because no matter how bad Keaton's movies may be at times I love them all.  Happy birthday!

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