Sunday 6 January 2013

Week in Review: December 31 - January 5

Birthdays - The first birthday of the year that we've celebrated was the 121st birthday (or what would have been, were he still alive) of author J.R.R. Tolkien, best known for The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit.  The second birthday that we did was the considerably younger (and still living) Diane Keaton, who turned 67 yesterday.

Notes - To ring in the new year we did two notes this week; one a review of the movies of 2012 and the other listing off what I'm looking forward to seeing in 2013.  Both were a bit lazy, but what do you expect for New Years Day?

Movies - New movie of the week was The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, the first instalment in a trilogy based on Tolkien's The Hobbit, and Les Misérables, based on the musical adaptation of the novel of the same name by Victor Hugo.  The only other movie was Friends with Kids, which I also enjoyed.

Books - Two books this week, one the historical fiction based on the childhood of Queen Victoria, The Captive of Kensington Palace by Jean Plaidy, the other the erotic paranormal romance Dark Lover by J.R. Ward.

TV - TV show of the week was the first two seasons of the BBC drama Sherlock, a modern adaptation of the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle novels.  I love it and want it to be 2014 just so we can see the third season.

Recommendations - No new movie recommendations this week, because there wasn't anything good, but Looper is out on DVD so go see that if you haven't already.

Next Week - Next week we'll have the Terry Pratchett Discworld novel Men At Arms, and the Judd Apatow movies Knocked Up and its sort of sequel This is 40.  There will also be a note on the 85th Academy Awards nominations.

Requests -Any requests? Let me know!

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